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Shell Scripts

All of these scripts have been thoroughly tested in a UNIX environment.

This script shows the total disk usage by all subdirectories in your current directory. This script is a great help for when you are running out of disk space and you need to find out what directories are using up all the space.
downloadsmcDiskCheck.pl • 2 KB • Tue 22-Dec-1998

This script shows the total disk space allotment for your account, how many kilobytes you're currently using, and how many you have available.

downloadsmcDisku.sh • 3 KB • Tue 22-Dec-1998

This script provides a nice chart of how many files of each type (based on extension) exist on your web site.

downloadsmcFileStats.pl • 3 KB • Tue 22-Dec-1998

This script gives you a total count of how many e-mail messages are in your in box. It also gives you a count of how many of those messages are from each sender, sorted by the sender's e-mail address. I like to have this in my UNIX .profile so that it runs when I login.

downloadsmcMailCnt.sh • 1 KB • Tue 22-Dec-1998

This script removes all carriage-return characters from a file. This is helpful for text files that are created on a PC and are then ftp'd to your web site. If you edit the file, you'll see a whole bunch of ^M's at the end of each line. This script removes those.

downloadsmcRmcr.sh • 1 KB • Tue 22-Dec-1998

Are you tired of people reading your HTML source and stealing your ideas? Then you need HyperText Converter! This script converts an HTML document into a format that makes the source virtually impossible to read.
There are over 100 lines of comments in the script that explain how it works. Be sure to read all the instructions and the warnings.
Also note, that a script could be written to convert the source back into a readable state, however, it is 100% impossible to convert the source back to its exact original state.
This script is probably not practical for use on an entire web site (although it's certainly possible). But it is a lifesaver if you have a page or two of important stuff that you don't want people to be able to read or re-use. It's also nice because it allows you to include in your source file sensitive and/or top-secret comments that will not appear in the source of the published page.

downloadsmcHTC.pl • 10 KB • Tue 22-Dec-1998

This script is designed for web server administrators who need a quick way to start, stop and restart their web server. I know a few admin guys who, after changing their server configuration, simply kill all server processes, then just start it back up again. That's a no-no. If you restart it properly, the server process actually never goes away. It just re-reads all the config files. This script makes that process easy.

downloadsmcHTRestart.sh • 4 KB • Fri 25-Dec-1998

smcNet Copyright © 1997-2025 Scott Crevier
De Pere, Wisconsin, USA
Powered by Perl